Sunday, February 26, 2012

Strange sex laws

In Romboch, Virginia, it is illegal to do it with the lights on.  The only reason why I say this would be a law is because others would feel awkward if they happened to look through a window and witness a man and a woman having sex.  Sure they would be weird to catch a glimpse of that but I don't think it should be a law though.  That was a waste of time and effort for people to vote on it.  Oral sex is illegal in 18 states.  Again, why was time and effort been put into this.  Apparently the representatives of those states preferred not have oral sex and agreed to the fact that it was bad.  Interestingly enough, it was passed as a law.  I'm sure the only reason why only executive order would sign such a law, would to continue getting support from the legislative order.  In Newcastle, Wyoming, it is illegal to have sex standing up in a walk-in meat freezer.  I'm not sure why people would do this anyway let alone become a law.  I'm guessing, they decided the meat could be contaminated with sexual odors that lingered in the air.  Another possible reason could be the people could catch a disease and become a fatal event.  Another weird sex law is at hand.  It is illegal for a man's erection to show through his clothing in 18 states.  If a little child saw this and asked his or her parents that is, it could lead to an awkward conversation between the two.  Personally, I'd just laugh and walk away ignoring the fact that he or she saw a man's erection.  I suppose the authorities found it necessary to put for such a law because it was indirectly obscene exposure.  Only he's really not exposing himself, just not directly.  In Connorsville, Wisconsin, a man cannot shoot off a gun when his lady has an orgasm.  I find this law very depressing, because maybe it is hard to make your woman have an orgasm and when she does, you will know.  I suppose maybe the gun shot is too loud and has sounds of violence therefore may not be good for the neighbors.  But If I was in this situation I would just be chill about it.  Because.  "Every great man knows if you accomplish something extraordinary, you act like you done it before."  -Marcus Mapp

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